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Company name: CerLab Finance
Legal form: SAS
Registered office: 58 Rue de Monceau, 75008 Paris, France
SIRET: 984 100 479 00018
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Share capital: €10,000
Intra-Community VAT number: FR40984100479
Director of publication: CerLab Finance

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Address: 140 quai du Sartel, 59100 Roubaix, France
Contact: tech at ovh.net

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The content of the openfid.com website (text, images, graphics, logos, videos, etc.) is protected by copyright and current intellectual property laws. Any reproduction, modification or distribution without prior authorisation is strictly prohibited.

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In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the information collected via the site’s forms is treated as confidential. You have the right to access, rectify and delete your personal data. To exercise these rights, please contact: contact at openfid.com.

Limitation of liability

CerLab Finance cannot be held responsible for any errors or technical malfunctions or for data supplied by external entities present on the site. The user is invited to check the information provided before making any decision.

CerLab Finance does not offer investment advisory services and is not authorised by the AMF or the ACPR.

The information contained in this site may under no circumstances be considered as investment or legal advice. If you require specific advice, you should consult a suitably qualified professional.

Financial documentation presented

Some of the documents made available on this site come from the ESMA prospectus register. Their presence here does not constitute an official publication within the meaning of Articles 3(1) and 21 of the Prospectus Regulation (EU) 2017/1129.

The aim is to facilitate access to this information, but users are invited to refer to the official sources and competent authorities for any regulatory consultation or investment decision.

This site is not involved in the approval or validation of these documents and cannot be held responsible for their content or interpretation.

In the event of a dispute, French law shall apply and the competent courts shall be those of CerLab Finance’s registered office.

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